1. KKChan avatar

    it's a big shock for us.we feel really sad when we heard about this unexpected news in this early morning.most of us have been waiting for you for 17 years. we still be eager for your concert in shenzhen.

  2. Mike Mike avatar

    it was a really really big shock news..as a HK fans for so many years, it is a pity that the concert can't held in HK, but i intentionally bought tickets of very front seat in Shenzhen and I have been waited for 20 years. Why can it be suddenly cancelled ? it is really breaking our heart and will there be hope to reschedule in Shenzhen again or in HK? Please update us....i am extremely sad about this....

  3. karrina avatar

    that's really sad about t, coz i just was imaged how kool will be tonight and my dream be come true. that what i waited for 20 years, but just this morning told it cancel right now, i really was cried for it,.when u guys will come back? really want to meet u guys here......T.T

  4. kasegawa avatar

    Have been a BSB fan for 18 years, brought ShenZhen show ticket almost 2 month ago, changed a lot of personal scheduales just for attending the concert, waited & expected so much so long, and just at today before the live opening-->Canceled? I could not even describe how disappointing and depressing I am right now.....As a fan, I do understand with my heart that there will always be some special circumstances out of control, but I really do hope that an alternation or resheduale could be made instead just simply announced a cancelation. If the local sponsor is not worthy & efficient to work with(which is obviously indeed), I highly suggest to get a new parterner for ShenZhen tour, or maybe could consider about arrange a Hongkong tour later. I know you boys love your fans andour fans will always love and support you guys with no doubt, so I really really really hope that I still could see you soon and celebrate 20 years of life with you. Cheers!

  5. Meredith Lam avatar

    actually i feel shock n sad received the bad news today.......
    i wait this concert for 17 years.......
    i love them when i was young.......
    last time their live in hong kong is my first time to meet them..but without Kevin......
    this time i finally have chance to meet my boys in five......
    n honor to celebrate their 20th anniversary in this concert
    i wait n prepare a lot for it....n finally can have a chance to be a row 4 vip to watch their live closely.....but...everything gone....
    my hope broken....my dream...my childhood dream gone.....
    please....reschedule please....I can wait.....
    i know their tight schedule.....but i just wanna meet them in five.....
    sure it's better hold in Hong Kong....so i don't need to go shenzhen...
    please reschedule the concert.....
    i miss Nick....i miss my boys.... i miss five of them....
    reschedule please...........
    i don't need any refund....i just want the concert back.....

  6. Shirley Lam avatar

    Really will reschedule a new date on show in Shenzhen???
    I can't enjoy the show tonight at Shenzhen because cancelled !!!
    I hope can be on show in HK........

  7. michele avatar

    I hope everything is ok. What do we do about tickets and refunds?

  8. bikekid avatar

    we all feel sad and cheated

  9. NAT_CARTER_BSB avatar

    is strange, I hope they are well =(

  10. kimasabe ~ L.A. West :) avatar

    Strange. Sad they went all that way & for their fans.