1. Cris avatar

    Nick, please bite me...

  2. Franca Sparaco avatar

    I loved the video, thanks for posting.

  3. bsbnicksgurl15 avatar

    wow the boys looked totally hot.. but they coulda done so much more with this song.. :/

  4. ivo avatar


  5. Michelle avatar

    I just had the opportunity to watch the video after getting home from work, and I have to agree, it is very different, but I love it!! I am glad they are still willing to share their incredible talent with us after all these years. I love BSB and always will! I look forward to their album on October 6th, and the USA tour whenever they get here. :)

  6. Guitargurl avatar

    This was awesome! I am so PROUD of the Boys for taking a risk and going in a very dramatic theatrical underground direction with this. I even think I heard somewhere that they actually came up with the video treatment themselves! Way to go Boys! I read the treatment online and saw the sketches beforehand, so that made it really easy to understand the story, but with that said, it was genius! This song needed something like this to represent it. Also, I think the BSB needed something like this to show how much they've grown and how much their sound has evolved, without losing that BSB touch. Nicely done! Can't wait to watch this on youtube over and over and over again. Don't think I could ever get sick of it!

  7. NicksWitch avatar

    Nick as a Vampire??? Could anything be hotter???? I LOVED the video!! Just wish they would have showed the fangs a little more....The dancing was awesome, the guys looked hot and they get to be heroes. I hope to see more of these kinds of videos.

  8. Nephyr avatar

    Hello all!

    I'm from Buenos Aires Argentina and I want to know why I can't see the video. There's a sign in the applet that says -in Spanish- "Contents not available".
    Is there any zone restriction?

    And last, I would like to know if it's gonna be posted in this site and when.

    Thank you so much.

    Best vibes!

  9. kiedislovesme avatar

    huh....im kinda confused lol....not the backstreet boys i was expecting....not too sure how i feel about this yet lol hopefully it grows on me.

  10. Scoots avatar

    A BSB video with an edge!.....lovin' it. I'd definitely check out their show at an underground club....that would be deadly!!!! WOOOOOOOOO!!!!!