1. jet7484 avatar

    the boys look freaking hot and amazing! but lol i didn't get the story line! maybe cause i just woke up when i watched it!

  2. mandy_mclean28 avatar


  3. Snickerbean avatar

    Does it remind anyone else of We've Got I Going On Video? i like it! Thats the first thing that came to mind when i saw the bar scene.

  4. Mrs_Backstreet avatar

    Errrr one other thing...why was there not a competition for us fans to be in the crowd in the vid??!! Instead of all these dodgy actors haha!

  5. Mrs_Backstreet avatar

    OMG AJ in a video WITHOUT a hat is definately the sexiest thing Ive seen in a long time - AJ please lose the hat for the tour, love you without it!!

    As for the video - liking it - different from the last few videos at least - the Boys do a very good job I think - as for the director, not so good in my opinion but that is not our Boys fault hehe!! KTBSPA still!

  6. xbillyjean42x avatar

    Just because we don't like a video, doesn't make a us a bad fan. I'm just voicing my opinion and so is everyone else. And being a fan doesn't mean we have to like everything the Backstreet Boys do. That's not whiny at all. Just voicing an opinion. People who think it's negativity against the boys because some don't like the video, need to stop being freaking squares.

  7. Carmen_CarterPTz avatar

    I like the video... the most I like it from the video was the BSB :D

  8. ajbackst avatar

    just watched it again on a different site, with a much clearer video and I must ay that I do love it! People sayng it had no story...well, it's not supposed to be a freakin movie, get over it! It does have a story though, at leats I saw the story. The boy's are the heroes in the end! It was simple, yes, but not everything has to be overly blown up. I must admit it's not the nest BSB video in the world and they should deff use a different director for there 2nd single, it was still really good and I love it! What's with the negativity? This is a fanclub, start acting like a fan, not a whiny noob or gtffo, you're just bringing everybody down.

  9. Dinky3322 avatar

    I agree with you BRIANSSEXMONKEY.

    I think the video is good and different. I want to see them different not like all dressed alike!! This is a good video and I hope it helps them to be play more on the radio and TV.

  10. Dinky3322 avatar

    I like the video and the moves too. I was expecting for you guys to bite a girl lol. But I like it!!!