1. Stephanie avatar

    all i want to say is im going to my first ever vip and its platinum in 9 days!!!
    i am sooooo excited! i thought it was pricy but i get to see them!! i know they are soo greatful for their fans! They know they wouldn't be anybody or anything without us! i mean they actually have a song that is for the fans! "larger than life" and of course they aren't going to put their life in danger at the vips cause then we would suffer with no more BSB!! ha.
    as for the afterparties, go as if your just going out for the night and you have some extra eye candy to look at!!! thats what im goin to do if we get an afterparty in cincinnati!! *fingers crossed*
    i just love that this site exists! I can talk to people who love the boys as much as me!
    i know what im paying, and i wouldnt do it if i didnt want to. the boys aren't sitting back and saying "GOTCHA" to everyone that is paying for vip. they are greatful!!
    So let's get EXCITED!!!!!!!!!

  2. GreenCapGirl avatar

    I apologize if I sounded rude yesterday. I didn't want to be mean with anyone, I think everyone can give her/his opinion. But I don't think it's necessary to bash the Boys because of the VIP prices. I read an article in the Rolling Stone magazine 2 weeks ago and they were talking about VIPs for other shows. I think it's interesting to share this with you:

    Lady Gaga: 405$, you don't meet her
    Bon Jovi: 1875, you don't meet them (but you can take home the chair you were sitting on lolll (for real! hahaha)
    Black Eyed Peas: 575$, you meet only one of the members
    Kiss: 975$ (you meet them)
    The Eagles: 750 to 900$ (you don't meet them)
    Aerosmith: 1450$, you meet them

    All I can say after this is: In my opinion, BSB are accessible, and most bands don't even offer to see the soundcheck or meet them, and most of the time, it's wayyyyy more expensive. Maybe VIPs for BSB cost more than VIPs for other bands they don't mention in the mag but overall I think the Boys are pretty much accessible. But like I said, it's just my point of view and everyone can think what they want. I just think it's sad to see fans bash at the Boys because of this. They don't decide themselves how much it costs, it's the management behind them.

  3. LeSigh avatar

    I don’t typically post here but I had to say a few things because this thread is turning into something kind of ridiculous.

    First @janie, The Jackson 5 and Boyz II Men aren’t considering “pop” acts. In Boyz II Men’s case in particular, they’re considered an R&B group. And while we’re talking about R&B groups, Boyz II Men is the highest selling R&B group of all time (Usher being the highest selling R&B act period). Boyz II Men do a meet and greet after their shows. It costs maybe $40.00 dollars. You’re ushered in one at a time or with the party you came with, however you prefer. They chat it up, and accommodate your photo requests. BSB’s lowest VIP package is a bit over priced when you compare it with top acts in other genres and think THAT was @Cody’s point when he compared BSB’s package to whatever band he was talking about. For you to take a dig at that band (saying they “suck”) just because you’ve never heard of them was uncalled for.

    No animosity @janie, just clearing all that up. Seems everyone’s entitled to their two cents.

    Second, I’ve done VIP at Backstreet shows and I’ve enjoyed it, but I’m not going to knock anyone’s opinion on it. I have the money to afford it and would probably waste it on something else anyway so I figure ‘heck, might as well!’ But for those who don’t have money coming out of their wazoo, I UNDERSTAND that they can see it as steep. It is steep! I don’t know of any other (struggling) pop acts who charge that much money for their fans to be “close” to them. And I say that as a fan of the guys. I love the guys, but we have to look at the big picture here. It’s a business, the whole thing. And if they cant pack stadiums and charge $100 dollars a ticket anymore like they did in ‘97-’01, then they have to make up that income somewhere, right? Hence VIP packages and after parties. So for those who say its not about the money, it is about the money. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing, I’m saying that’s the reality. If it truly wasn’t about the money, and it was really about giving fans a great up close experience, it’d cost less. Hopefully no one passes judgment on me for that. Its my opinion and I try not to be a jaded fan, that’s all.

    Lastly, for everyone who has a problem with @Cody’s statements I’m just going to say this in his defense. Granted some of the things he said were harsh and unnecessary (most of them, especially the fat women dig), I understand that they came from him being hurt and disappointed. I had the opportunity to meet @Cody and speak with him for about two minutes before a show once, and did he give me the same the same long winded gripe? Yes. Initially, in my head I was thinking ‘well why are you even here then?’ but after I let him continue to prattle on for the remainder of the conversation, I could tell that he was genuinely disappointed by the things he was seeing and THAT was where his rant was coming from. He was speaking from the heart, a hurt heart. I’ve never spoken with @Cody after that or before that but in that two minute conversation, I understood where he was coming from, even if they way he conveyed it wasn’t the best. So let’s not be so quick to condemn him. Maybe let’s try to see it from his side, or lets try to see it from the business side, or lets try to look at the whole/bigger picture? And if we cant do that, then let’s at least let everyone have their own opinion and agree or disagree with it in a manner that isn’t a rude take on “Suck it up and deal with it or go away.”

  4. Stephanie Dianna avatar

    I agree with @greencapgirl and @HollywoodKaos
    Everyone has their choice of what to buy and what not. I mean thats why there are 4 different VIP's to choose from :)

  5. Ana_C avatar

    I think everybody here should try to have some passion fruit and calm down. We all love the boys and this is what matters. We want to express our opinions in a good way and people don't wanna understand and start insulting. CALM DOWN PEOPLE!!!

  6. Sway_Shay avatar

    All you had to do was stand next to Nick to be by him, it's pretty simple.

    As for the DVD, VIP, etc you had a choice to buy that or not.

    Sure it sucks having the barrier's but they do that for protection, and yes it sucks major but it has to be done ,you never know when the boys COULD get hurt I don't think it's a risk they shouldn't take? Sure I love a photo without the barrier's and one day that might happen but for me I'm glad and happy to finally get a group photo! :)

  7. GreenCapGirl avatar

    whining, whining, whining... if you think it's worth the price and you have the money to afford it, go for it. If you don't think it's worth it well just don't buy it. And just let those who think it's worth it afford it if they want. That's it that's all. I bought Platinum and I don't regret it at all, I didn't expect anything and everything went well. And no matter what ppl tell me I'll always be glad with my experience. If some of you are not happy, it's your problem, not mine. And just because you're unhappy doesn't mean you can spam comments with all this negativity.

  8. Ana_C avatar

    Well, maybe it will be crazy, but I kinda agree with Cody (about prices, vips, afterparty etc). I think this is crazy all this money for a VIP. I still can't believe I paid 520 for a VIP, 150 for the dvd This Is Us tour and 140 for two tickets. I think it is too much money to go to the backstage and having barriers between me and the boys, when all I want is to get an individual picture with Nick (what seems to be impossible). I believe it is all crazy when they say "we are more accessible than people think", and talking to other girls, that went to other VIPs, they are not accessible, starting with the price and having barriers between them and fans... it is so sad! Mom is praying every night for me to not to get disappointed with this show. Sometimes I wish I never had the opportunity to see them... having a barrier between me and them... so sad =( Well, I will see what happens tomorrow in the show at Saint John...

  9. Sally avatar

    Cody: So you think only 10 fat girls show up to VIP events. I attended the concerts in LA and in Kent, Washington. There were some of the most beautiful women I have ever seen at these concerts, and at the VIP events. While I agree the price for VIP is too high, no one is forced to pay it. As far as BSB not being in style anymore, no band is forever. Music is like art, everyone has a right to like whomever they like. However, you would be surprised how many young people really still like pop music, but are afraid to be made fun of. I never want my son to feel that way. I am teaching him to not be ashamed to like whatever he likes. Some bands just coast along forever on one or two albums and maybe only one true hit single, because they have a "cool factor" going. BSB has shattered many records. And, yes, you do have a right to state your opinion, Cody. We all do. But, be careful categorizing fat women. Besides, you don't look too thin yourself there Corey!

  10. Nadia avatar

    wow Cody seems to have some major issues! The language and name calling is really uncalled for and very immature....

    at the end of the day we all want to have BSB around for as long as possible - and so we will do whatever it takes to make that happen - they may not be number 1 to the world right now but to their fans they are and always will be....

    On a lighter note - seems most enjoyed the afterparty which is great ;) and if anyone is listening South Africa is still waiting for our first ever BSB concert (just had to throw that in lol :)

    have a wonderful all BSB fans