1. NicksLatinLuvR87 avatar

    I had a pretty good time at the afterparty in Denver, I couldn't stand all the stupid groupies that thought they were going to get in the VIP area because they spent an extra hour adding a pound of make up! Or them pushing the actual fans to get up to the front! I paid for my drink and it ended up on the floor damnit lol Girls were being so rude they weren't even letting a handicap fan in a wheelchair go up to the front! wtf? I told everyone to move and gave her my front row spot. I was so happy to see how excited she got to be up front =) I did get to shake Nick's and Howie's hand and even got my t-shirt signed by Nick and my bestie by Howie. It was a pretty good night and no one can take that away from me =)

  2. Sway_Shay avatar

    For the two people that think the after party for Denver was a waste of time/money either you expected too much or didn't go there to have fun just to go try and meet the guys, or some other dumb reason.

    I even said a lot of times, that the manager from the venue told me there wasn't a 100% certain that we would meet the guys. I went and I had the best time ever, I was in front of the VIP and they did talk to fans, shake hands and even signed for few fans as well. As for the "sluts" yeah they were and they were treated like it too, Howie invited them up there and he told me it was just for fun it was funny, Howie, you think they was up there enjoying it no, they were laughing and making rude comments, Nick and the rest were laughing their butts off, I even was telling Nick to cut them off and he laughed along with me, so yes I did have some interaction with the boys, mostly Nick and what I did was I came to the after-party not expecting much just to see the boys and I knew they weren't going to stay for a long time but I have to admit they stayed for a good amount of time, when the club closed at 1am.

    Yeah sure the VIP prices are high but it's expected they know fans will pay it, sure it should be less expense but then they would probability have to sell more since it would sell out faster which would make more people complain. I got to experience one Platinum VIP so far, and I loved it if I can do it again and again I will as long as I can AFFORD it.

    As for the name calling that is just plain middle school crap, we don't need that here, we are not at that age anymore.

  3. Sway_Shay avatar

    I so want to speak my opinion and I will once
    I get on a computer it's hard to do so
    on my itouch.

  4. ~Angie~ avatar

    Wow...so very sad that people use this forum to bash a group that they supposedly like. It's very odd to me..why would you want to pay money to belong to this fan club let alone get on here and put down the group that this site is for? As far as the name calling, I really would hope that as an adult, you don't conduct yourself in this manner on a daily basis. Soundcheck & VIP packages cannot be compared across the board..each group has a different following and is mandated by their management team. Hey great, you got a $100 soundcheck..that's fantastic. If BSB did that, I would be going as well. Although the prices are out of my reach right now, I would gladly fork over that money to get up close & personal with the Boys if I could. It's a choice I have made to not attend a soundcheck.
    I honestly don't think that the way you are representing yourself on this fan club site will get you many friends nor do I think you care. I am just at a loss as to why you would even spend another dime on this group when you are clearly not a true fan like all of others on here. Your choice is yours only..if you aren't happy with the Boys..choose not to be a fan then. Please do not come on OUR site & degrade OUR band. WE happen to love them!

  5. Stephanie Dianna avatar

    I just went to the Toronto SC and I did the Platinum....there were about 300 ppl there all together (they said it was their biggest SC ever) and if BSB dont do the barricades it could get very messy very quickly. When there are fewer ppl they take out the barricades becasue Ive been. I hate the barricades and the price tag for my SC was steep but I did it and had the money so it was MY choice. And I would totally do it again. well worth it for me we got to spent a good fair amount of time with them backstage and see all the the stuff that happens back there.

    @Cody If u are so pissed about this why are u even in here paying a membership and paying to go to their concerts anyway? U calling ppl fat, ugly, or whatever just because they make choices u dont agree with doesnt make u cool or prove any stupid point u may have. It makes u an A**hole! Do u honestly think BSB are the ONLY artist, group etc that do that....if u hadnt noticed its the business. The artist is the last one to get paid at the end of the day. And if u would know them like true fans do u would know how hard they work and that their record company are idiots and BSB are paying for the set of the tour out of their own pockets because they wanted to make it better for fans.
    Most ppl in here are mature and dont live in a "fantasy" as u call it and think we are gonna marry them lol. We are just fans who love BSB and wanted to get close to them even for just a few moments.
    So maybe if u dont have anything nice to say and cant conduct yourself in a mature manner u SHOULD NOT be in here running your mouth.

  6. MooMooSaurus avatar

    Please report cody by going to your manage mail account, new message, then in the to box scrolling to the bottom where it says support --> report another user.

  7. kimdorough avatar

    That long-winded dude needs to stop whining and get a life. You also need to learn how to spell. Hiatus is not spelled hyatus. And true fans don't use the language you used. You may think you're $10,000 rich,but you're poor in other ways.Aaron Carter still has plenty of fans. He became a million seller at a younger age than his brother. By the way I got to touch two of them this summer( shook their hands)and it only cost me $10.HA!HA! Eventually I'll get to a VIP but they don't offer them where i live.

  8. Cody avatar

    First off to the HUGE blonde girl... Angels & Airwaves is VERY VERY VERY wellkown. (The guitarist & singer is Tom Delonge from Blink 182) Also if you have seen a Ford commercial in the past few years their music is used constantly in them and during sporting events. "The Adventure" is one of their most used songs. Second off, don't get all pisse off because I have an opinion. I have a right to my opinion. I have been a HUGE BSB fan since I was 13 years old. I'm just being a realist. Pop music in America is pretty much dead unfortunately. (except for Lady Gaga and BS music like that). BSB is the best selling pop band of all time that is very true. They have also produced more albums than many of the other pop bands and been around longer. (actively recording and performing) If Nsync had stayed together they would have given them a HUGE run for their money on records etc (and I HATE Nsync- I think how they got into the music biz by the snake Pearlman was so F***** up). But Nsync did sell 2.4 million records in 1 week (No Strings Attached) beating BSB's 1 million mark with millennium. Then BSB went on a hyatus. Lou Pearlman royally f***** BSB and Nsync and everyone else. I got this fan club membership to get presale tickets to the concert in Denver to take my brother and my girlfriend to as well as myself. I don't understand why when someone comes in here and just tells the truth you all gotta cry... If BSB loved you all so much why do they stand behind barriers to even take pics with you at the concert VIP's?... (What the 10 fat girls there are gonna mob them or something). Another real point I have is the fact that the only people getting mad in here are the fat girls (without a boyfriend-probably ever) who live in a fantasy land of thinking they are gonna marry one of the BSB members or something. Look BSB has plenty of money and all I am saying is it is pretty greedy of them & the management to charge what they charge for a weak ass 30-45 minute VIP. (especially in this economy). It is NOT 1999 anymore and times have changed and unfortunately BSB isn't even on the billboard top 100 charts, their songs aren't played on the radio etc... Additionally Aaron Carter has to beg for fans on Twitter and give out his cell # (all he did was ride Nick's coat tail forever). Musically BSB is in my opinion one of the best performers of all time and deserve any and all accolades they get. As for people wanting to spend $500 on a VIP at their show, that is your choice and your right. Just as it is my right to get on here and speak my mind. It would have made a lot more business sense for them to sell the VIP's cheaper so more people would attend because all they are out is the inexpensive printed photo they signed and the 30-45 minutes they spend with the fans (the same time they would spend if it was 5 or 100 fans). Nothing is EVER changed unless someone says something about it or does something about it. Cheaper prices would help EVERY fan out and would more than likely make MORE money for BSB because more people would attend the events. It's FUCKING COMMON SENSE PEOPLE. To the people that at least appreciate my opinion and can sit back and think of the facts and what I am saying is true, I appreciate it. To the ugly, nasty women on here that want to complain because someone's opinion is different from thier own I say that's your problem. I could care less what you think. All I ever intended on doing was for people to sit back and think of the reality of the situation and to potentially think about what BSB may really be after. Trust me I have over $10,000 in the bank and can EASILY afford the VIP but at the ridiculous price I chose not too. I have 2 cars and 2 motorycles so me not having money isn't an issue. I just choose to spend my money on other things. I have spent THOUSANDS on BSB merchandise over the years... I have all their albums/DVD's/Books a signed guitar, posters etc... and I can school ANY of you on BSB trivia so don't sit here and say I'm not a fan. I can recite EVERY lyric of EVERY song they ever made (even one's never put on their cd's) I can list ever song in order on every release they have made for EVERY cd and know plenty of their dances and PLENTY of their songs on the guitar so don't act like your so great because you spent $500 on a VIP. I have supported them for over a decade now and all I'm saying is that it's time they start supporting their fans a little too. 9especially since they aren't as popular. I read an article online that at one of their shows only 3,800 people attended their concert and here in Denver they had to move the seats up because there was only a few thousand people there. BSB will go down in history as the greatest boy band EVER. They are EXTREMELY talented. They are getting older and won't be around for much longer and that is a FACT. They will probably always be involved in the music business and doing something in this line of work but just like anything great, it can never last forever. Talk shit all you want and report me for whatever you want. I'm just being an honest person and an honest fan. No one likes paying $500 for the platinum VIP and NO ONE would complain if it were cheaper. The truth sometimes hurts. You don't think BSB recognizes that they aren't what they once were?... Yes they are still great musicians but they aren't what they were in the 90's. And I have a life outside of the BSB fanclub and that's why it took me so long to respond. Thanks again to the people who appreciate an honest opinion and gave me their support. And even more thanks to the real crybabies who whined because someone said something critical about BSB and the greed of the pricing for everything.

  9. Karina_McLean avatar


    I don't wanna be boring.
    But I don't have another space to ask you that: pleaaaaaase don't forget to come back to South America (mainly BRAZIL) with TIU Tour or another Tour.
    But we wanna see TIU TOUR *-*
    We are dreaming about that since last year when you came.
    We are joining money to Sound Check and other things.
    Many girls can't go to the cruise and our dream is to meet you and take a picture and see you again!

    We loooooove you so much!


  10. jennifer and athena avatar

    So how was the after party last night?