1. marisa avatar

    how come I cannot post comment :(

  2. BSB4evr712 avatar

    Pics are up ladies...


    Click on Meet & Greet on the side.

  3. NickzChick2004 avatar

    Someone from one of the apartment buildings i think it hit so hard it must of been through from a far

  4. gr33khunny avatar

    who egged you?

  5. NickzChick2004 avatar

    Awesome time tonight
    Yes i am the girl who got HIT with the egg!! Yok all over me and bruised arm... but in the meet n greet Nick apologize and said that he was going to beat them up!
    Speacial thanks to all the girls who helped me when I got egged with water and tissues and just makin me not feel dum! BSB fans are the best! Message me on here or add me as friends u guys are great!

  6. sofdlovesbsb avatar

    See you all tomorrow..lol

    1 day to go,getting everything ready and packing for my trip to NYC. Have packed yet.lol

  7. karina avatar

    anybody at big apple hostel im at 22 room

  8. Chryssa_NC avatar

    Have fun!!!!!!!
    Can't wait to watch it on videos!!!! :)

  9. Jami2523 avatar

    haha right, but we needed a place to keep our stuff and to shower! :)

  10. jlongfellow avatar

    Well NY is a city that never sleeps right?