1. Katie Alison avatar

    The show was AWESOME!!! If anyone wants to trade some digital pix from Sunday night (Napa Valley Opera House), email me at [email protected]. :o) I was on the right side, so it would be cool if anyone got some pix from the left side too.

  2. Katie Alison avatar

    Need tickets to see the boys Friday night in Fresno and tickets for Saturday at Live In The Vinyards. You can only win tickets and I haven't been able to. If ANYONE has some extra tickets, PLEASE PLEASE email me at [email protected] Thank you sooooo much!!!!

  3. kateriggs258 avatar

    i don't have the money to do the cruise or napa. i hope you could do this somewhere else to. I am happy for the ones that get to go.

  4. xx rachie xx avatar

    The UK is too far away to come and see them but i hope they come back to the UK soon!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. blknblufanatic avatar

    any chance of an East Coast Platinum VIP contest? Would love the chance to try. Since I'm a broke college student and can't afford the cruise or California... sad. I love you guys though, and for the people who can afford it, the perks of being in the fan club this year have been awesome... : ) much better than past years... just saying. Yay for BSB!

  6. AmyC avatar

    I vote for them doing one of these of the cruise too!! For all of us that can't attend this show.

  7. KKtwins2 avatar

    Just Wnat You to Know
    Crawling Back to You

  8. vettechnikki avatar

    Man I wish I could go!! The cruise is costing me more than enough though... oh well . Hope everyone who gets to go has a blast!

  9. omgitzme avatar


  10. Lady Dream avatar

    Hey Is There Anyone Who Wants To Buy 2 Row C Tickets, They Are Seats 18&26. Leave Me A MSG And We'll Figure Everything Out.