1. Ludi & Mari avatar

    Ok, guys! I`d like to know at what time the event is gonna start, since it`s gonna be on Sunday and this makes things a little bit harder to me...

  2. Snowflake avatar

    Anyway, to the very few people who can go, enjoy it for the others, too.

  3. Snowflake avatar

    @Lucy Don't shout and don't tell people what to do. It's not very nice and very impolite! Just respect others' opinions, is it that hard?

  4. aletabsbfreak avatar

    Do we know what time on Friday that tickets go on sale? Should I assume 9:00am?

  5. Flor avatar

    It´s fantastic!!!
    but...when an event for Europeans? Please!!!!!!

  6. mariecookie avatar

    i can't go, but this sounds great!!! I wish there was a dvd of this event! i would totally buy that! remember the intimate show " a night out with the Backstreet Boys"? it's still one of my favorites!

  7. mandi4786 avatar

    ah i wish I lived there! sounds amazing!

  8. Ashley & Jillian avatar

    Yes I know but being a younger fan with no money it is really difficult to convince parents that it's worth it even though to the ones who are going it will proabably be an amazing experience. Thanks for replying though :) I'll keep begging I guess lol

  9. MooMooSaurus avatar

    I cant go.. but excited for ppl who can!

  10. Sydney avatar

    Oh wow! This sounds fantastic! Shame I don't live anywhere near there - lol. Have a great time!