1. littrellfan20 avatar

    Man! I will be at work thursday night. Hopefully it'll be on Youtube or something.

  2. (L) straight through my heart(L) rocks! avatar

    i won't be able to listen to it:(

  3. Ilze avatar

    I wanna see this, too! :))

  4. Sandra1981 avatar

    Can someone tape this and putit on the internet? (youtube) Because in the Netherlands we don't receive CTV :(
    Thank you

  5. CanadianGurl2015 avatar

    thank goodness...i thought i had missed it !

  6. Dianne avatar

    Sweet! I was surprised when I heard it would be on today, this makes more sense!

    aaah, Ben Mulroney ... he puts the corn in cornball! ... lol ... although I'll take him over the clowns they've got left at Much Music any day!

  7. kate85 avatar

    Thanks for the info !!! =)

  8. cdn_grl_luvs_bsb avatar

    Ya there website said that it was today but i guess it got cut because of the coverage of the MJ memorial service. So now its going to be on, on July 9th, is the extra interview still suppose to air that day as well? I also agree with someone else who posted about Ben M...he is horrible at what he does and I can't stand watching him, he is the reason i don't watch Cdn Idol. Frig i could do a better job give me his job, you know he only got the job because of who his dad is, go figure....none the less i can't wait to see our boys on TV doing interviews again and talking about the new album : )

  9. sofdlovesbsb avatar

    No extra is on the same day as this one.

  10. melis584 avatar

    i think extra is July 14th...i believe, i could be wrong!