1. gfra82 avatar

    I can't wait to hear the new album and see them in concert :)

  2. Johana C. avatar

    This is so cool!!! It gives me time to save money for the tour and the cruise next year!! I went last year, but I want to go again and sail with my idols!!

  3. xxSammyjoxxMcleanxx avatar

    Well hey look at it this way new album next year! cruise 2013! New tour later meaning more time to save for it! ;) Iam so excited & will be heading over to see the guys this week coming!

    Don't forget the hoped for London BSB 20YR TRIBUTE PEEPZZ! cumonnn London we gotta get it together for the guyss if not I will do it hopefully & try get people who wouldnt mind getting involved ;)

  4. Sophie(Sweden) avatar

    April!?!!?! I canĀ“t wait that long! That means we have to wait for the tour for a year at minimum!..

  5. yasi avatar

    Oh. it's too late. I can't wait until that time. 4 years ! no single tracks or music videos ! how can I spend my summer?

  6. christinar avatar

    yeah i am so happy!!!!

  7. Paul2011 avatar


  8. Amanda_72 avatar

    I'm really excited for the new album to come out!