1. Melanie avatar

    Farewell tour? :(

  2. Sweetcountess7 avatar

    Hope its everything that they'll going to tell these fans about this announcement, which is.....

    1. They'll might going to perform the summer concert on the final summer concert series @ Central Park (i hope)
    2. Relasing their another seventh album (save money)
    3. Plan to go on tour (save money)
    4. Or something else....don't know?

  3. Staceymf avatar

    It has to be there Album and Single announcement?!?!

    I guess I just hope it's news that all fans over the world can be involed in!!

  4. Stephereno avatar

    I hope hope hope it's the cruise but I'm guessing new single because they've been recording! W/e it is it'll be awesome!

  5. HolyJose avatar

    Album and single announcement?

  6. Rhiannon avatar

    wish it was here in Australia, i reckon its new single or tour 2013. Pls ppl let us know straight away :(

  7. nickela avatar

    can it be a BSB World Tour 2013 pleaaaaaaaaaaaase :(

  8. ILoveNickolasGeneCarter avatar

    Marked it down!! Can't wait to find out!! =)

    If anyone is looking for a This is Us tour key chain, I have an extra one for sale! =) [email protected]

  9. my3bsbhrts avatar

    Please, please let it be about cruise 2013!!!

  10. Sway_Shay avatar

    I'm so excited! I wonder what it is!?!? :)