1. perfect_fan avatar

    to NickloverBerna : i only see vip tickets for sale for lisbon

  2. Asia avatar

    @ perfect_fan - if you got the first row, you have the first row.
    But you don't know if the WHOLE first row was sold on ticketmaster or wherever you bought them. Maybe the organizers gave some tickets to the FC, and they include some seats within the first row as well.

  3. perfect_fan avatar

    never mind about antwerp, just saw there was a link but that if you click it it comes at the normal ticket page for this concert

  4. BernaHeartsNick avatar

    BUY button for Lisbon concert doesn't work for me how about you guys?It opens the VIP page..

  5. perfect_fan avatar

    "quote eddie: yeah, fan club tickets mean fan club pre sales of general concert tickets. we as the fan club work to get the best seats in the house to sell directly here in the fan club. Sorry that it took so long to get the holds everyone!"

    but what about all the people that got already tickets for that show?? we try to get them the first day that the tickets go on sale and you guys come a week later with cards for the concert. does that mean that the tickets we buy trough the normal way aren't the best one's , even if it says first row ticket?? just wondering cuz i already had one for the first row for antwerp,not that you are selling tickets for that show but if they should come online i need to know if there are gonna be rows before me because then i'm selling my other ticket again!

  6. Lady_Nadine avatar

    by the way: Bamberg AND Munich and no show for the north of Germany? :(

  7. Lady_Nadine avatar

    Bamberg is... surprising... ?

  8. Bilitis avatar

    What happened to the show in Romania? You replaced it by .. Bamberg? ok .. interesting ..

  9. Emm@ FBT avatar

    @ almiuxita : LMAO !!! :p

  10. almiux avatar

    Waooo.. Continue so! you guys really are doing a great job!

    You're organize this tour very good.