1. backstreetgirl1984 avatar

    I am surprised about Bamberg !

  2. shiningstar01 avatar

    I'm really impressed on how organized everything is this tour. Especially having everything in one place like this, I'm sure it makes it easier for everyone. Thank you and you guys really are doing a great job!

  3. crazy_is_normal avatar

    Muahahhaha BAMBERG????????????

  4. Asia avatar

    I guess there won't be VIP for that show.
    Just like there wasn't VIP for Bucharest, which was on the list before.

  5. chechille avatar

    VIP for Bamberg, Germany ????

  6. Anniek avatar

    Yeah wanna know that too, is it not announced yet, or is it not going to happen lol

  7. Asia avatar

    @ deedeel - Yes, all the VIPs are being put in sale at 11am PDT.
    It's 7pm in the UK and 8pm in central Europe.

    @ Matt - "*The italicized dates are not yet officially announced" - it means that the shows will take place, right? Cause you scared me here LOL.

  8. silvielangenkamp avatar

    Thanks Matt!!
    I'm already waiting behind my computer for the VIP tickets for Rotterdam!!
    (Still not sure which time 11am will be in Holland....haha!)

    I'm going for the Platinum, so it better be worth the 520 dollar!! :-D
    (still wondering what "and more...." means..................)

    Whoohoo can't wait!!

  9. Anniek avatar

    Thanks matt for changing it.....

  10. deedeel avatar

    when you say "Here is an up to date release schedule for tickets and VIPs:
    All sales begin at 11am PSD"

    does it mean all vip for all the date?

    I start to be confused =S