1. Tkd_Sab avatar

    I still wish i had the money to do this! I think its way over priced still, But i'm okay with miss meeting the boys again!

  2. Sway_Shay avatar

    If only... :) I wish I could!

  3. HolyJose avatar

    YES!!!!! I get my chance! I'll be buying for sure! And I'll eat an extra hotdog for you ;) :D

  4. vkrosvik avatar

    Wish I could been there, stuck in Norway :((((((

  5. Chica Mclean avatar

    omg i cant wait to be there with the boys that i alway love........

  6. Kerry Ann Crowson avatar

    soooo great for the bsb fans that can make it :) i cant because i live in the uk .... :( someone have a hotdog for me lol xxxx