1. Lilly-Marie avatar

    omg omg omg omg omg omg omg thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :D i dont have to stalk the place now! :D

  2. silvielangenkamp avatar

    Whooohooo thank you!!

    I'm still wondering what "and more" means (Platinum VIP)....haha!

  3. dutchie avatar

    NICE MATT!!!

  4. Ella-NL avatar

    Thank you so much for this info!!! I still have some doubts if I want VIP, because the prices are insane and I'm not sure if what you get is worth so much money! Especially if 1 of the boys doesn't feel well again like last year!
    But now I know how long I can think about it!! :-)

  5. tuchymar avatar

    Good job, man

  6. tuchymar avatar

    Thank you for this info Eddie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. missNX avatar

    OMG! Slovakia, Romania, Croatia and Poland. But. Stop! Where is Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia??? There are sooo many keepers Backstreet Pride ALIVE since 1996. And this countries are Poland's neighbours.
    Come here, please ;-)

  8. spanishpitbull avatar

    yeah well thanks for posting the VIP selling times in advance...same for some cities there isn't

  9. ItalianDutchie1983 avatar

    Lol.. since when is Stockholm in Switzerland?

    But yay, finally i dont have to check this site every hour to see if the VIPS got on sale.. :)

    Thank uuuuu.. :P

  10. Miry avatar

    THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    I spend the last 4 days on the FC, every night just checking if the VIPS for Rotterdam were on sale but nothing. I missed so many hours, didn't sleep for days but now i can relax and wait for July first.

    Matt, thank you for announcing this.. X Miry