1. Nick's Girl Angie avatar

    I do get your point christinar but don't be mad at the boys because they are not the ones that take care of the site it is the adminstrators. I did not mean to offend you in any way.

  2. christinar avatar

    petition that another fan started to get the meet and greet included with the VIp package

  3. Nick's Girl Angie avatar

    Sorry meant to put this instead of the last one EXCLUSIVE VIP MEET & GREET WITH NKOTB *Details on other possible meet & greet opportunities coming soon. I can understand where this might be a bit misleading but that is why they had the FAQ and it did not guarantee a M&G with the boys to be included

  4. christinar avatar

    exscuse me i did read it right. maybe you didnt. it said right after the meet and greet with NKOTB *other meet and greet to be announced later" never did it say it would cost more. and saying under just the VIP tabs insinuates that it will be included.

  5. stephanie donegan avatar

    so we just have too wanit

  6. Nick's Girl Angie avatar

    I am sorry and no offense to those that bought VIP but you need to inform yourself better because it clearly said in the FAQ's Does a VIP ticket include a meet & greet?
    Yes. ALL VIP's include a meet and greet with NKOTB. All other meet and greets are set up through individual fan clubs and are not included through MixTape Festival VIP tickets.

    No one has been lied to you, you just didn't read the information available to everyone! As they have said before the boys did not have to do this and we should be thankful they are even doing this!
    Now where it says: Access to any soon-to-be announced special additional OFFICIAL events (does not say ANYTHING about MAYBE a meet & greet with the boys.
    It is not the boys fault for the misunderstanding.
    Just be more careful next time and read the info right.

  7. christinar avatar

    I didnt go into debt for bsb, but I was falsy mislead to believe that "more meet and greet opurtunities to be announced later" as advertised under VIP side A tickets would be included with that purchase. one can easily see how this is misleading. they at least should have said but it will cost more. its flat out misleading. and I am a hardworking adult and earn and save, I just want what is advertised in my package. im not trying to fight just state my side of things before you say that im in debt and broke. im not, i just am upset and feel mislead. i just wish they would have said it will cost more ahead of time rather than falsly lead us to believe it will be included later. peace and love from a fellow BSB fan. but you make an excellant point though and I agree with you that one shouldnt go broke over bsb but they dont deserve to be falsly mislead.

  8. christinar avatar

    and no im not mad i couldnt afford it im mad that others who spent less then me will get the same stuff and meet them!

  9. christinar avatar

    Im very upset as well! the thing did say more events to be announced later under the side A VIP! I spent $900! I would have just bought a gen admin ticket and then purchased the BBQ tickets later this is such crap! I cant believe they would treay thier fans this way!!!! more meet and greet was to be announced later and it was under the side a vip tickets insinuating it would be included in that!!! that is crap.

  10. jeshiblah avatar

    @nickshawty....agree!! :)