1. xbillyjean42x avatar

    so they took it down then put it back up again? cause i see bsb stilla t number one and i can vote normally..every 20 minutes.

  2. krissydb7 avatar

    It looks like they fixed it....

  3. sweetfb avatar

    What the heck happened? Did they reset it?? Thats not right.... Not IM pissed!

  4. krissydb7 avatar

    What happened to the almost 60,000 votes that BSB had??!?!

  5. Fabianebr avatar


  6. mariecookie avatar

    OMG!! i just saw!! that's so not fair!!! what happened???? :(

  7. Manoela avatar

    i agree when u say that we can mae it turn to numer one... but there's a problem... Theywere number one, and with NO reason they are down again when we were wining ith more than 1000 votes... sooo??? an explantion??? im soo pissed off

  8. frack_inma avatar

    hahahaha... new kids are not there anymore either... this is a JOKE!!!!

  9. AJslibrarygirl avatar

    No one wants to see the Boys on top, that's the problem here. I don't care if I vote 1000 times a day, they are still getting votes just like everyone else on there. That isn't cheating to vote over and over again, it's not like a national election where people only get 1 vote. I think Twitter is just stupid.

  10. SweetLiLMina avatar

    Oh, so that's what's going on... ugh, this is so sad. But whatever! We can get the guys back to #1! Fair and square.