1. Dianne avatar

    I was just wondering the same thing ... is this "battle" ever going to end or are we just gonna keep voting for all of eternity while the creators of this thing sit at their computers going "look at the crazy BSB fans, they just continue to vote in this never ending competition that means virtually nothing! muhahahaha!!"

  2. brittanyheartsnick avatar

    when is this competiton over?

  3. sweetfb avatar


  4. Clau Carter avatar


  5. lilKidNicky avatar

    NKOTB aren't competition. They suck! BSB all the way!

  6. sweetfb avatar

    We're doing GREAT! Keep on voting!

  7. nicksrockerbaby avatar

    We're doing good!

  8. Kaos-girl avatar

    Keep Voting!! Vote! Vote! Vote!

  9. johanne avatar

    we make a good job!!!, still at the first place! : )

  10. Elleke Besselink avatar

    Come on... And VOTE!! Still the first place!!!