1. xbillyjean42x avatar

    but how is that proof?
    I mean..anyone can post bs on twitter as a message..soo..how is that proof?
    Has anyone actually seen this program or whatever that is supposetly letting bsb win?

  2. princessnikki avatar

    I too wish it would end!
    but for those who were asking about the cheating rumors. Here is the link i was talking about
    [url]http://www.twitpic.com/7fhj5[/url] :(

  3. Asia avatar

    It works for me.
    Tho I wish it has ended finally.

  4. stephiebaby_06 avatar

    Did the contest end? I keep getting an error message for an internal server error .... anyone else ? ?

  5. Asia avatar

    You're asking us to spend time & voting. And I wonder if you spend any time on improving the board. There's been tons of suggestion made. And... nothing LOL.
    We are devoting our money & time to BSB. What about you devoting some time to make this FC more friendly?

    BTW - I think this whole voting things is ridiculous. It doesn't show how many fans each band has at all.

  6. BrazilLuvsBSB avatar

    well, it's a fact that the '20 minutes block' they applied does not work all the time, because I for one every now and then am allowed to vote twice in less than that. It does not count as cheating, however, considering I did nothing to achive that.

  7. xbillyjean42x avatar

    And another thing, there are thousands of bsb fans all over the world..they may not be apart of this fanclub or apart of LD, but they're our there. We're not the only ones who've heard of twitter!

  8. johanne avatar

    i'm totally agree whti what you say xbillyjean42x and Bilitis!!!

    (only jealousy!!!)


  9. xbillyjean42x avatar

    Dude, so they're accusing us of cheating? they're fking stupid..sore losers..they just don't believe that BSB fans totally rock and kick butt at things like this.

  10. Bilitis avatar

    What evidence? A tweet claiming they found a way of cheating? That's no evidence .. I can only every 20 minutes and that's it .. they're just upset we're wining .. We didn't accuse them of cheating when they got the NK on top of Mr Twitter USA page .. that's ridiculous .. the fans voted and that's it .. Keep on voting people KTBSPA!