1. Andreina avatar

    KEEP VOTING! in this moment bsb have 12999 votes and NKOTB 12652 !! go go go! LOL! KTBSPA

  2. set_adrift avatar

    Good work everyone! Keep it up. Soon I will be able to add in another vote for the guys!

  3. H avatar

    vote vote vote!!! don't let NKOTB win =P

  4. rt1983 avatar

    i voted twice

  5. princessnikki avatar

    Does anyone know how long voting goes on for??

  6. ReyNoName avatar


  7. johanne avatar

    I vote all day!

  8. Fracky. avatar

    I'm voting!!!

  9. Dianne avatar

    If BSB come in 2nd to New Kids on the Friggen Block I swear I will loose all faith in man kind ... ok ... I may be exaggerating ... just a little! =)

  10. matt avatar

    Keep voting! Throw in a vote or two for my friends in Papa Roach ;)