1. Simone avatar

    I voted!!

    Will keep voting for you the next few days ;)

  2. EnsilBSB avatar

    Tell to all your friends: vote!!

  3. frack_inma avatar

    come on u guys... we are 2nd best.... Damn it!!!! vote vote vote

  4. EnsilBSB avatar

    Vote, vote, vote!! We want the #1!

  5. BrazilLuvsBSB avatar

    I've been voting about every half an hour. So I'm doing my part.

  6. constanza_bsb avatar

    don´t worry, you`ll be the one!!!!!!

  7. Carobe44 avatar

    I just voted! you are still #1!!!!! :D

  8. Sabrina avatar

    WE ROCK!!! The boys are in first place now!!!!

  9. angy avatar

    vote vote voteeeeeeeeee

  10. Tramadora avatar

    It´s done :DDDD