1. KarolDorough avatar

    Happy with that!

    I Will gladly #BSB at the end of my Tweets!

    A big hug for you! The staff loved the kids!

    Pd: Kisses and hugs to Howie and James!

  2. jennavas avatar

    Well i'm a twitter addict because of you. Love it!!!! when you tweet.
    Hopping i can win a renewal.....

  3. BostonBabe avatar

    The only people I follow on twitter are you guys!

  4. sofdlovesbsb avatar

    you guys are the only reason i even have a twitter and use it.lol
    its so much fun and have done the #BSB thing for like 5 hours everyone's tired,tomorrow again,even the fan machines need some rest.lol

  5. Megan Backstreet Pixie avatar

    Sweet. It is sfuff like this that shows the BSB care about their fans. =) #bsb

  6. Frack's_Shorty avatar

    I'm addicted to twitter too. LOL

  7. Tissie avatar

    yes you are twitter addict lmao

  8. krissydb7 avatar

    Cool! So you just put #BSB ??

  9. DdubKaosSoldier avatar

    how do i get a free year of fanclub membership lol.... that would be awesome

  10. BrazilLuvsBSB avatar

    Will someone tell Nick to add #BSB to his own updates? he better give the example!!!!