1. LaurenNY88 avatar

    ughhhhh i just saw this and extra just ended!! did i miss it???

  2. Christine3185 avatar

    I thought they were supposed to be on today...there was nothing

  3. Frack's_Shorty avatar

    were they on today? I watched it but no BSB. LOL

  4. HowieDLover7 avatar

    Okay...the boys were NOT on Extra today. What gives? *frowns*

  5. HowieDLover7 avatar

    Haven't seen anything about the boys yet on Extra! Is it really today?

  6. nygiantsnjgrl avatar

    I cannot wait for another tour and more info on these boys though I'm not going to lie i really want a solo AJ album like now

  7. Florrangel avatar

    Thanks :)

  8. angy avatar

    thanks for the info =)

  9. almu avatar

    That is really great!

  10. Rashmi82 avatar

    Sorry, how do i find out what ch it will be on in Canada???