1. Official BSB Fan avatar

    YAY I am so excited WELCOME BACK Kevin!!!

    Congratulations! A.J and Rochelle you guy's will be wonderful parent's:)

  2. Amber M avatar

    I'm glad we finally know the answer lol!! Happy for AJ and Ro too :) wonder if theyll have a boy or girl?!

    So many exciting BSB things within the next year!

  3. Ka Wozniak avatar

    I'm so, so, so happy with Kevin's return!! :D
    BSB all back together is such a incredible feeling :D

    Welcome Kev :)

    Oh!! And AJ ... congrats for the baby :D you deserve it and will be a great daddy :D

    LOVE U GUYS!!!

  4. Gianfranco Petroni avatar

    finally!!!! the bsb are back

  5. Lovehowie avatar

    ahhhhh!! Im so excited - I realllly want to meet Kevin :0) and SOOO happy for AJ and Rochelle.

  6. vampire_sarah avatar

    Kevin is Back! It's wonderful news! Can't wait for the new CD!! =)

  7. vkrosvik avatar

    Kevin is back, that awesome!!! Congrats to AJ and Rochelle. I am so happy for your guys :))))))

  8. Iry avatar

    the bsb back together ... 5 the perfect number! I love you! I hope to see you in Italy all together! So happy for AJ and Rochelle!! i love u!!! these news are beautiful! Then they ask me why I love you,.... because you excited me every day! BSB I LOVE U!!!

  9. Froleta avatar

    wooow the bsb is back again i looove u your begining whine i born now im 19 years old woow

  10. inlovewithbsb avatar

    Kevin has a right to come back any time in the group as he is a Backstreet Boy After all.

    That's really cool new's!!!.
