1. GabrielaGomes avatar

    I went to after I paid to meet and I can say NEVER more I go to this place. I spent a lot of money to go there and didn't see the guys because the hostes told us the guys was going to VIP area to meet us. I CAN'T belive it.
    I have a e-mails from the nightclub where they say with my 50,00 ticket I was M&G.
    And after that the manager put the responsability in Nick and Howie, Of course de fault wasn't they. But is ease say this, the guys wasn't there to say something.
    I wasn't thinking about the money (of course I spent alot of. cause I needed to get a taxi to go there), but I'm fan for 12 years and I saw in that after party the way to my dream comes true.
    Now I hope the boys go to BRAZIL and have a after party there. I'm going again but now I know what to do. Anyway the concert was AMAZING (my first BSB concert). I LOVE MORE AND MORE BSB.

  2. natybruno avatar

    I mean the Night club, no fan club...I always knew that BSB didnt know anything about the incident

  3. natybruno avatar

    Asia,I have an email from the club, where you can read pretty clear that if you payed 50 E, you had M&G. And I know people that when they arrived to the club, BSB weren't there, and nobody told them but they charged to them 50E at the entrance.

  4. Asia avatar

    Or do you mean the passes bought via fan club, from that site: www.wantickets.com/bsbafterpartydublin ?

  5. Asia avatar

    100 euros? I thought that the entrance to this night club to afterparty was 10 euros... At least that's what the picture ad said...

  6. Maika avatar

    We were sent mails in which they explicitly mentioned that we were going to meet the boys, have pictures taken + spend the whole time partying right next to them. I stayed realistic and wasn't expecting too much but I did not pay 100€ for a glass of champagne!
    Don't know how we should go about getting a refund; contacted groundctrl and hope to have news soon.
    Learned my less though; the people with the cheapest tix actually had the best spots lol ;)

  7. Asia avatar

    I don't understand what's the controversy about the BSB afterparty in Dublin all about... The night club sold the passes for 10 euros. Where was it said that it's gonna be M&G? In the ad there was written: "Don't miss out on your chance to meet one of the biggest boy bands of all time". English isn't my first language, but for me this ad doesn't mean that you meet them face to face. Just that they'd be at the club, interacting with people and you'd have a chance to talk to them, but it's not guaranteed (it's the same ad you could use to advertise a show. You 'meet' them, but you're among the audience and they're on stage). Am I getting it wrong? Can somebody explain this to me, please? Thanks in advance :)

  8. Sophie(Sweden) avatar

    I now know what this is about, and i am angry! Why??? This is stupidity! I feel sorry for the fans who thought they were going to meet the boys at the afterparty, spend a lot of money on this thing.

  9. pam avatar

    hope u all never have 2 c that again hope the bsb can make them regret what they did 2 the fans & themselves all 2 make $ off bsb was it really worth it

  10. IngeNL avatar

    What a night.... it was fun while it lasted... But what a mess.... Hope this won't be happening again. Haven't felt "VIP'' last night, even though i've paid a lot of money.... Let's see what will happen now. However, i'll be enjoying the rest of the NKOTBSB tour, with or without afterparties :)