1. Yee Yee avatar

    Theme nights would be fun, however I think it should be optional. If they choose to have theme parties etc then great! But I think it should personal choice to dress up or not. I honestly don't have any extra money laying around to spend on a bunch of new clothes, costumes and stuff. Not with a mortgage, car payments, bills.....

    I have no problem with theme nights and what not, but it shouldn't be compulsory for every single BSB passenger to HAVE to do it.

  2. Stephanie Dianna avatar

    I like the theme night ideas.....sounds fun and something different :)
    cant wait to see the boys in their PJ's....that would be so fun!!!!

  3. Camilla Maria avatar

    I personally love the idea of a theme night :D I love a good theme party, cause I think it brings a little, I dont know, something :)

  4. BSB4evr712 avatar

    Here's the link to the blog

  5. BSB4evr712 avatar

    I looked through the blog that Ana posted about the NKOTB cruise. Check out the NKOTB Cruise News Letter (it's a photo). I hope BSB don't have theme nights. I understand the dress to impress night because mostly everyone has a nice dress but I don't like that they are forcing you to wear all white or pajamas. Why can't we just wear what we want/already own and have fun? By making theme nights, it forces some people to spend more money. I personally don't have a white dress so that's another thing I would have to buy.

    Sorry if I'm ranting. I just wanted to bring it up and see if anyone agrees with me. Maybe if we all don't like the idea of themes we don't have to have them.

  6. Charles avatar

    Anyone know how many BSB tickets there are going to be? My wife and I are trying to get an idea of how many people are going to be on the boat for the BSB stuff.

  7. Vanessa avatar

    Scarlette- Go to www.backstreetboyscruise.com and click "Reservations" at the top and enter in the username and password!

  8. ness19 avatar

    @moomoo Power to the Vanessa's!

  9. barbm218 avatar

    I am going with my husband as well! Good to know that other guys will be on the cruise! besides the boys of course!

  10. Stephanie Johnson avatar