1. Febia avatar

    oh noo...can't login...it says username not found...anyone pls help....

  2. Vanessa avatar

    @jelibean05 That representative was wrong and has been giving out incorrect information to fans because it sounds like she didn't know any better. If you did not enter the username and password but you ARE a Fan Club member, your reservation will be fine!

  3. BSB girl 4EVA!! avatar

    VANESSA posted this earlier... If you didn't use the username and password but you are a Fan Club member, your reservation should be fine.

  4. kylairene24 avatar

    i didnt have to enter password/username either

  5. Abee LM avatar

    muchas gracias gracias a ti pude comprarlo ojala te pueda ver alla =) para darte las gracias =)

  6. sweetdreams Kuredu avatar

    I don't understand I am going through the link but it does not ask me my login FC and I have been al step 5 without problem but no I have not had confirmation of email help me

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  7. BSB girl 4EVA!! avatar

    there is only 9 left.. girls just keep trying!

  8. KnockeledUp avatar

    I just talked to a lady at Rose Tours who was not very nice because I used the link that bypasses the user name and password and takes you to the passenger website (I got a confirmation and charge on my CC) and she was like "Well they may decide to reject you later because you didn't do it the official way because there were people that found out how to bypass the system" and she put in my fanclub password and didn't say whether or not I'd be okay. Then I called back to hopefully talk to someone else and got a man and he was much nicer and said that if I got a confirmation and a charge then I was confirmed and they wouldn't cancel it and told me to email jeannie@rosetours.com to tell her to make sure I'm all set.

    So anyone who did it this way should send Jeannie an email!

  9. mmmbop avatar

    the cabins that are sold out, theyre just the block that is blocked off for fanclub members?

  10. eMKay avatar

    they are not sold out.....there is still about 25 cabins left