1. frickfrack avatar

    Only could get the $899 room... Anyone get a $799 room... Also... Did the reservation page ask for the three digit security code on the back of your credit card?? Hope I didn't miss anything ...

  2. Robert.Kocur avatar

    Has anyone gotten an email confirmation yet?

  3. Vania Mitre avatar

    is there a problem if i booked the cabin with my mum´s name? i also included my name and the confirmation got sent to my email adress but i booked it with my mum´s name

  4. Vanessa avatar

    The link in the news article has been updated to point to the direct link http://www.rezpro.us//presale_login.php as that seems to be the only one working for everyone.

  5. Lyndzy_BSBfan avatar

    YAY BSB cruise here I come!!! :)

  6. BRokKentuckyGrl avatar

    You get everything back but the 25%.

  7. Brittany avatar

    i still can't get through....42 minutes later....

  8. Sandra avatar

    I just got in using the login link. Good thing I did. When I used the passengers link there were a whole lot of cabins in my chosen price. This time there were only 5.

  9. BRokKentuckyGrl avatar

    Got mine by 12:07. I hope everyone who is having problems will get theirs resolved. I would hate for anyone who can go to miss out on this opportunity. Don't give up, just keep trying!

  10. Canadian chick avatar

    has any1 read the cancellation policy? when it says 25% does that mean you'll get everything back MINUS the 25% if cancelled by Sep. 26 or you'll get ONLY 25% back if cancelled by Sep. 26?