1. Maria Carolina avatar

    wait.. the regular public booking on march 22 is not for the bsb cruice? I meant this people are not going to be able to meet the boys?

  2. april_82 avatar

    awwwwwwe that is a horriable thing!!! my parents wanna come on the curise just as the normal cruise and book me on the ship so i can get into the bsb events! we were hopeing to all be together' but maybe they can get one room and i can get a room as well' i guess once the info . is up we will fig it all out :( ughhhh

  3. Vania Mitre avatar

    29 minutes to go!!!!!!!!!

  4. Johnny avatar

    thats great

  5. Sylvanna78 avatar

    @april I don't think so, someone already asked about this and the company said that they could not do it

  6. Martz avatar

    as it seems tons of girls (me included) r going by ourselves!
    lets not worry we´ll make friends and have tons of fun! add me as friends so we can find eachother on the cruise even if we r not in the same room :D 24yo

  7. Vania Mitre avatar

    does anybody know if any under aged people (15-18 yrs old) are going to the cruise?

  8. vettechnikki avatar

    Is there anybody who needs a roomie who will either spot me the money just TODAY and I'll send a check or money order or whatever you want tomorrow because I'm a little iffy about sharing credit card info with anyone or someone who wants me to spot them who will send me the money after? I really don't want to room alone but I don't like handing over my info to people I don't know yet...

  9. trinebimbam avatar

    Good luck to everyone who's going - I can't go - but I hope you'll have a great trip!!! Feeling all excited on your behalf right now :) Only 32 minutes to go!!!

  10. april_82 avatar

    OMG i dont wanna be paried up with a random lol so what about if my parents are comming on the cruise but just as a reg curise not for the bsbs? can we still book as a 3 room occupancy????