1. jnmclean22 avatar

    I am going to save the date if its a cruise or whatever i hope i can go on it. I am suppose to graduate that month so i will just have to see and it depends on the prices whatever it is i know its going to be good cant wait guys. :-)

  2. shiningstar01 avatar

    Wish I could afford to go on the cruise:(

    Still think this would be an awesome contest opportunity though!;)

  3. BSBangel avatar

    Can someone comment on my page and let me know what this means?
    What are these dates?
    And where can I get a ticket to it? haha
    Thank you :D

  4. Sharon16 avatar

    Lucy...where is this page and what are the prices like?

  5. Mandy_NL avatar

    Do you remember the prices, Lucy?

  6. Lucy avatar

    It was not a hidden page, it was a different webpage. But I saw the actual page, prices and what's included and I guarantee you, the cruise is gonna ROCK!

  7. ^_^AleParedes^_^ avatar


    Of course that I´ll save the date, all the month if they want. hehehehe... =)

  8. Rckr Hat Team avatar

    yup im 100% sure of that. i also saw the New kids on the block cruise and its prices. they are doing the same for sure.

  9. AlinaB avatar

    Hey BSB! I'm an "old" fan since 2005 when you got in my country, Romania.
    I hope I'll be able to be there in Dec. luv ya!!

  10. Sonya Cherie avatar

    Really!? I heard of the boat thing...people were saying that it was hidden on the page somewhere. But are we 100% positive that it is a boat???? And why not take all the members of the club????