1. frackstar5 avatar

    Man, a cruise would be so tempting, but it will be so expensive after the tour and VIP...it would kill me not to go, though!!!!!

  2. Puce27 avatar

    What will happen on dec 9-13 i would like to know more... you have such a great sense of suspence this time!

  3. Marianne_BSBLove avatar

    YES!!!! BUT IT´S SO FAR AWAY!! :-(


    KTBSPA 4 EVER!!!!

  4. Anne Soll avatar

    YES! :)

  5. Sharon16 avatar

    Me too, I can imagine the price!! It depends where the ship is leaving from. If it's the US then I have no chance.

  6. BSBabe avatar

    hehe maybe they are doing an Around the World trip again like in November 2000! that would be cool! Come to Melbourne this time not Sydney haha the wait until December will be excrutiating!

  7. manokaty avatar

    I almost hope its not the cruise because I can't really afford it but I know the temptation will probably get the best of me!

  8. Sharon16 avatar

    If it is a cruise I hope it is affordable for fans.

  9. Tomislava " Tommy " avatar


  10. Jennifer avatar

    WHAT WILL HAPPEN THEN....I wanna know....