1. FaithInBrian26 avatar

    To Steven:

    Fans have the right to complain about this. THINK ABOUT IT. This 'cruise' could be a once in a lifetime chance to get to meet the Boys head on, and they can't. So, DON'T tell them to grow up.

  2. Millaray avatar


  3. PAOLA avatar

    @colleen_loves_aj LOL...

  4. PAOLA avatar

    I agree with you mari nieves

  5. bsbnicksgurl15 avatar

    agree with u 100%..

  6. mari nieves avatar

    great news would be the return of kevin

  7. bsbnicksgurl15 avatar

    lamee... Cruise? who is that big announcement? when only a handful of people ( i.e. few hundred) will have the opportunity to go/win/afford it.. us tour dates would have been way better.. have fun if your lucky enough to afford it. moving out on my own limits my spending..

  8. Solidwolf34 avatar

    Dec. 13th is my Birthday!, Maybe i'll gift myself by going on the cruise ;-)

  9. Luciana Böhs avatar

    I can't believe the big news is going to be the cruise... Come on! I'm really disappointed.
    I can't go and 90% of the fans can't go too... So??????
    Big news is something that all of us could enjoy...
    Sorry guys...

  10. lovebsb1234 avatar

    Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Craziness if it's the cruise! Me wants! Me wants!!