1. Christina Wyatt avatar

    : s What's that ????

  2. Mariana avatar

    can you tell us more about this?

  3. spanishpitbull avatar


  4. Clau Carter avatar

    what is it? !!!!!

  5. spanishpitbull avatar

    there is no a single event which could be for ALL fans

  6. PAOLA avatar

    Damn... We know this is all about the cruise thing, so, tell us already...

    Besides, at least in my case, it doesn't make a difference if I know or not about the cruise, 'cause it's something I can't afford. I mean, I live in Chile people, at the end of the world... I would need A LOT of money to go, ask for a Visa at the USA Embassy, etc, etc...

    Anyway, I hope you guys tell us soon...

  7. Ana avatar

    if it's a cruise I'd better start saving some money!!!!!

  8. kaotica avatar

    I agree with you too!

  9. Vinicius Kramer avatar

    And honestly? I think this is RIDICULOUS!!! We want something for ALL THE FANS not for a few ones only¬¬

  10. Vinicius Kramer avatar

    Guys, it WILL BE a cruise from december 9 to 13.. will left Miami on 9, than go to Mexico and back on 13. the prices are from around 800 to around 1800 US Dollars per person