1. Jone avatar

    This is so annoying, big announcement coming....juuuust say it already, i'm gonna get crazy soon for all this waiting! !

  2. Frack's_Shorty avatar

    I am going to have lack of sleep next week waiting for this announcement! LOL its worth it though!

  3. Ana-Maria avatar

    That would be pretty fun if he did! I'm thinking it's something along the lines of new tour dates though. I'm so impatient, I want to know now :P

  4. MORIKO avatar

    I'm rally nervous...

  5. Lilly Carter avatar

    I bet Kevin is coming back... and he is going to announce new tour dates!!!!! Yeah!!!! We are waiting for you in Mexico!!

  6. BackstreetHeart avatar

    no, no, noooooooooo can´t waittttt, wanna know wanna knowwwwwww

  7. Kaitlyn/Aubreigh avatar

    i agree!

  8. PDAYanyBSB avatar

    Oh I can nOt wait tO find Out is .. Kevin returns tO the grOup? .. Please that is that the news Or event will be anOther videO? wOuld be great, Or any news fOr Latin America? In particular, MexicO wOuld be amazing .. gOOd as lOng as it's nOt anything related to a separatiOn Or break anything and I can with what I am waiting anxiously I LOVE YOU BACKSTREET BOYS! KTBSPA Yany frOm MexicO :)

  9. Caru avatar

    I have Nervous!!!!!!

  10. Fracksgurl4ever avatar

    i cant wait to find out what it is