1. CARMEN avatar

    oh my godddddddd, i can't wait, i'm so nerveeeeessssss!!!!!!!!

    what can it be?

    ojala sea otra vuelta de gira x europa jijijijijij

  2. Christina Wyatt avatar

    Je ne sais pas attendre moi :s Mon esprit imagine déjà plein de choses !
    Genre le retour de Kevin (ce serait la meilleur nouvel d'après moi), ou une autre tournée en Europe :p , ...
    I CAN WAIT !!!!

  3. Miska avatar

    wow I am so curious:-)

  4. Fracksgurl4ever avatar

    i cant wait noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo tell us now

  5. Alyne avatar

    I can't wait to know!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Jessi Dii avatar

    ohhhhh mennnn 3 dayss in panic!! to knoww how is gonna be the big annoucement!!!

  7. iminconsolable avatar

    wow.....now were all going to wonder what its gonna be all weekend.....

  8. chechille avatar

    BIG announcement ??? What can it be ?
    Can't wait the next week !!!

  9. Helly avatar

    You Guys know how to drive us crazy :P now everyone will discuss what this "BIG ANNOUCEMENT" will be ...

    hope it's more than "just" US Dates... ;-)

  10. Mallie avatar

    SORRY ... I thought I replied to Caroline.loves.bsb