1. Franca Sparaco avatar

    Could it be that AJ will have 2 wedding ceromnies, one with his his family & friends and one with his bsb fans, OMG, can you imagine, lots of love.

  2. IrisDhondt avatar

    Kevin Kevin Kevin!!! :)

  3. Lari avatar

    :O i cant waittt!!!!!!!

  4. Pau_86 avatar

    What can it be??? The suspenseee :D

  5. Miss~Leesh avatar

    I hate suspense!!! lol Commmon!! Ya'll cant do that!! lol

  6. Karen Miska avatar

    I cant wait guys!!!
    Please Tell us...

  7. alebsb_ avatar

    awwwww i just cannt wait! and i really hope it is something to ALL the fans and not only some fans from some especific country!

  8. fpck avatar

    wahooooooo... i hope its more tour dates but that isnt a big announcement is it? if you know what i mean... maybe a live video streaming chat with them all????

  9. LizheartsBSB avatar

    Cant wait to hear what the big news is!!

  10. Ana avatar

    I'm very curious!!!! x)

