1. Charles avatar

    Anyone know a rough estimat of how many BSB spots are available? I booked first thing yesterday for my wife and I'm curious to know about how many people are going to be at the BSB events. Not the total number of passengers, just the total number of fanclub members.

  2. Febia avatar

    Jus like some of u other fans, I really wanted to go...but can't afford it and the air fare from India too...So I guess for now I'll have to let it go n wait for some other time when I can afford....unless I win a lottery or somethin....:-) That would be really good..he he he....

  3. Gisa avatar

    HEy.. i'm from Brazil, i really want to go but i need a roommate!!!

  4. krissydb7 avatar

    I'm really looking forward to meeting so many other BSB fans from all around the world! Should be a great time :)

  5. Nadia avatar

    Hi there,....I contact cruise organization and they told me that there is no need to resubmit our reservation on March 22nd ..... Anyone can re confirm this information???

  6. Crazy57307 avatar

    I'll be there! I'm very much looking forward to it!

  7. maes avatar

    last dec Miami was pretty cold.

  8. Sharon16 avatar

    @ missmegan

    I'm the same as you. I was really excited about it, but then after loads of thinking I decided not to as I am planning big things for this year.
    However I am hoping that this will not be the only cruise they do...like NKOTB are doing there 2nd cruise this year.
    I hope the BSBs do another cruise next year!

  9. Prizzle avatar

    I'll be there!
    Im from Brazil and I hope to meet all of u there =) [2]

  10. MissMegan avatar

    when i heard about this cruise i was like i so gotta be there..but unfortunately, i'm not going to be able to afford it. i hope that everyone who's going has a terrific time :)