1. Melany avatar

    Hey Everybody, How are you all doing?!
    DJ LaniAkea has to be a part of the cruise ! He is the best DJ ever !!! Please ask the Boys on their twitter about that ;-)
    Lots of love and Take care !

  2. Cowgirl007 avatar

    I'm desperate to know what the cost will be, I've priced up flights, but can't make any firm decisions until I know how much the cruise will be!

  3. Tomislava " Tommy " avatar

    This is crazy !

    Im from Croatia and Florida is fare away !

    Ii think this is something for people who live there

    close to Florida, or have "much money" !

    It is beautiful opportunity !

    I won't go ! :( sorry
    mission impossible to much for me :(

    I don't feel bad because I already met Backstreet Boys in Zagreb Croatia
    and I was waiting for this moment 6 year ! I hope I see BsB again in Croatia !

    Girls wish you fun ! Hug

  4. colleen_loves_aj avatar

    I looked at the boys ll men cruise and it looks like one person does all the booking and you can pay by more then one credit card. But you need everyones info like first and last name, birthday, complete address, country of citizenship phone # e-mail and a 25% deposit and an emergency contact.

  5. Beth315 avatar

    so it's been like a year and a half since i've bought tickets to a bsb show on fan club..if i recall wasnt there a key word or secret word you had to type in before being able to purchase tickets?? or was that for the VIP upgrades??? ..any who..is it going to be the same for buying cruise tickets? i remember me and my friend had trouble last time and had another FC member help us out..does anyone have any idea what i am talking about? haha

  6. Yee Yee avatar

    25 degrees C is lovely! I wonder if it'll be humid though? Australian winters are hardly ever over 25 degrees C. Usually it's around 16C during the day and night time can drop to -5C in some states. That's what I meant in my last post... Not COLD COLD in Florida usually.

    @backstreetboys12 - I'm from Perth. Still not sure if I can come up with all the money that will be needed. Airfare, pre and post cruise accommodations, spending, excursions etc etc etc.

  7. slfitz1983 avatar

    Dose anyone know if i can bring my mom with me because im the only one with a fanclub membership thanks stevie.

  8. backstreetboys12 avatar

    i looked it up apparently it's going to be around 25 degrees C. is anyone going from Australia that would want to share a room???? its going to be at least $2000 for flights from Sydney, Australia!!! so boys please keep the cost not too much cause i really want to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Amanda avatar

    For those of you who think Florida doesn't get cold, you're wrong! lol. This winter, we experienced some record lows. It was in the teens in Miami! Hopefully it's not the same next winter!

  10. colleen_loves_aj avatar

    Irene I wanted to know the same thing because 2 of us are members and 2 are not hope there are no problems