1. sarah avatar

    surely they must put up price info before the preslae begins otherwise how can anyone no if they can afford to go!

    please post price info soon :@)

    id be coming from london so need to add it all up!

  2. devie*-* avatar

    i think that's what they plan... that's the trick of the management! lol

  3. Quel Favaro avatar

    Are u really going to give us the prices and payment conditions only when we're about to buy it?

  4. Camilla Maria avatar

    @serenity 888 BSB propably just rent a part of it, its not theirs. Its the same company NKOTB used, and they wont release any info. Think someone here already tried :) So we will just have to wait and see.

  5. Camilla Maria avatar

    @Priscila I live in Norway, thats why I need to apply for a visa. Someone here said that it was hard to get a visa, but its not a big deal if you're going on vacation and have a clean criminal record. It is even easier if you have an electronic passport.

  6. Lucy avatar

    Às Brasileiras:

    O visto é obrigatório sim.

    Os cartões de crédito serão os mesmos de sempre, Visa, Mastercard, American Express ou Diners.

  7. Yee Yee avatar

    This is so frustrating =( Does anyone know what company owns the cruise ship? I don't think that BSB own it... They will hire it??? Anyway, if we knew what company then we could call and find out ourselves... Fingers crossed.

    It's the airfare that's going to break the bank. Plus hotel accommodation for before the cruise departs and at least one night after the cruise finishes...

    Come on BSB site people! More info! PLEASE! =)

  8. Lucy avatar

    My guess she's asking what kind of credit card will be accepted to purchase the cruise, VISA, Mastercard or American Express.

  9. Fatimaslight avatar

    Thought you all would enjoy reading what MTV posted on their website about the cruise.

    Backstreet Boys Announce Cruise Plans, We Plan Out Our Itinerary
    Posted 3/2/10 5:20 pm ET by Jocelyn Vena in Music

    This December, the Backstreet Boys will be hitting the high seas. And with pre-sale tickets going on sale on March 15, I am sitting here at my desk here in the MTV Newsroom wondering just what I would do with certain members of the group if I should be given the chance to go all "Pirates of the Caribbean" with the boys.

    Billed on their Web site as "a once-in-a-lifetime experience that the boys will embark on and share with you, the fans," I already have a pretty good idea of what I may be up to come December 9-13 on a cruise ship with the Backstreet Boys.

    » I think I'd play some shuffle board with Howie D. It seems like he's built to excel at the game.

    » I would definitely have to do some ballroom dancing with Nick. Any chance to hit the floor with that blond bombshell seems like the perfect night.

    » Cruises are infamous for their luxurious buffets, and I think that Brian Littrell could make for the perfect dinner companion.

    » And finally, the guys promises stops at "exotic ports." So if I'm going to go shopping at exotic ports with any of the guys, it's A.J. McLean. He's got some cool style. Plus, he kind of looks like a pirate. That is a compliment!

    So, will you be boarding the Backstreet Boys cruise this winter? Who would you most want to hang out with? Tell us in the comments below!

    Tags backstreet boys

    Love it!!!

  10. Priscila mclean avatar

    thanks camilla now i understood ,,,i have to take a visa to florida..and about you i live in brazil..