1. bsbluva1 avatar

    If BSB went with the same company that NKOTB did for their cruise last year and their upcoming cruise in May, we should probably be looking at similar prices.

  2. bsbluva1 avatar

    The NKOTB cruise starts at $799 per person.... and that's with four people staying in one room. Then it's $849 for two people in their smallest cabins from there the prices go up. That's a lot of money for an almost 4 day cruise! And with all the other additional expenses, this trip would be real costly for the average person. Maybe I was being naive, but I wasn't expecting to pay $800 for a Carnival cruise.

  3. CreativeBeauty8 avatar

    Its sad that this is so expensive.... I have been a true BSB fan from the beginning and would love to go on the cruise. I also deserve it for being so loyal and supportive since BSB first started. Unfortunately, there is no way I can afford it. I just think it is unfair that only people with money get to experience such awesome events such as this one. All I can ask from BSB is to please have a concert here in South Florida. You left us out completely on the last tour and I was very disappointed. Thanks.

  4. Nishelle avatar

    any amount of money IS worth it...except when you have tuition to pay =[

  5. Brandi avatar

    I wanna know how much it's going to cost! i wanna go sooo bad!!!!

  6. Solidwolf34 avatar

    Hey Everyone! JOIN the BSB CRUISE facebook PAGE!



  7. Gabs Ghigonetto avatar

    Good Lord I want to cry *head on my arm*

  8. AC avatar

    NOT FAIR!!!!!

  9. Angie Miller avatar

    I dont care how much it is im going no matter what!! Any amount of money is worth it to be on a cruise with the boys!

  10. Bone_Freak avatar

    sorry you feel that way