1. Solidwolf34 avatar

    Everyone Please Join the Facebook BSB Cruise page:



  2. Woth2982 avatar

    Often times this type of cruise will have a roommate match program. If you want to go and don't know anyone that could be an option.

  3. colleen_loves_aj avatar

    Yipppppeeeeeee girls only trip :) count us in for 4

  4. Gerardine29 avatar

    I'm from Latin America!! If i go my mom would go to lol! = ).. anybody let me know. My email is [email protected] (Lena_B)

  5. Miranda_Leigh avatar

    My mom & I are gonna be going if prices are affordable. Lord I hope they are.

  6. Sara B. avatar

    Como me gustaria poder ir!!!! ^.^

  7. Lucy avatar

    For Lucky@22 - You have to go to Miami International Airport.

  8. shes so lucky@22 avatar

    can ANYONE PLEASE help me on which airport i will be flying to? form the uk, not sure which airport i would be flying to so i can check prices? xx

  9. Camilla Maria avatar

    Anyone from Norway going on this cruise???

  10. isabella avatar

    I might be interested in sharing a cabin. Im from denmark.. Anybody needs a roommate??