1. Tomislava " Tommy " avatar

    This is crazy !!!!

    Im from Croatia and this is impossible for me and it would be too much

    EXPENSIVE for me also !

    I wish all fans good luck and have fun !

    God blass you all...


  2. LOVE_KHERSON avatar

    it would be too much EXPENSIVE for me...:(
    sorry boys! but i can't go with you...
    I wish I could...but $$$$

  3. Laura avatar

    Oi Oi Sailor Boys!!
    Wow this sounds ah-mah-zing and I'd love to be your first mate!... but to fly from London to Florida is maybe a little too far for me!... Do a meditteranean cruise next time for all us Europeans! ;-)

  4. Clarisse avatar

    it's a fabulous idea either I can't go! Thanks guy and have a good trip!! I just want to have some videos!

  5. Donna avatar

    i want to go so bad. i dont even live near florida and im gonna try to fly in, just to be on this cruise. im scared its going to be crazy expensive tho.

  6. AlinaB avatar

    That's a really great thought boys but some uf us will only bite our nails because we can't afford it.. I mean you'll have around more rich people but not your "oldest" and most dedicated fans from this Fanclub. I know it's finally about the money but on long term I think the second ones are more "profitable" if I'm a good economist. Anyway have fun for us too! we'll be there with our thoughts!

  7. Manoela avatar

    finger crossed

  8. Manoela avatar

    Im thinking on moving to florida this summer... if the price is not too high i might go!! *finger crissed*

  9. Doreen avatar

    A Cruise!!! U boys r driving us crazy! Lol - How much $$$ we wanna know :)

  10. Nadia avatar

    im so there - well mayb - livin in south africa so hav some planning (and saving) to do - anyone from SA going?