1. FaithInBrian26 avatar

    DVD's, tour dates, Kevin's possible return...I'd rather WAIT and hear what the BSB's have to say about the announcement.

  2. FaithInBrian26 avatar

    Oh, let them call it a big announcement, yeesh! Don't poo poo it, we don't know what the heck it is yet...

  3. LaurenNY88 avatar

    wow you guys even made a banner for this, must really be big! i hope its a good one!! haha

  4. backstreetgirl1984 avatar

    I really hope the announcment is sth big and new and not sth lame.

    I mean, tour dates and especially a tour dvd would be very cool but it is not "a big announcment" imo

    I really wish it would be Kevin's comeback but I really doubt it.

  5. Angela avatar

    I guess its a live-dvd. I really hope so! I dont think that kevin is coming back. They say in every interview how happy he is and that the situations is right for all the guys...

  6. Febia avatar

    Oh I hope it's Kevin comin back...that would be sooooo good....no it would be GREAT.....

  7. Frack's_Shorty avatar

    It's either US tour dates or a DVD, but they already said tour dates are coming soon, so I'm guessing it's a DVD. It's probably what AJ said in his video update that they put monkey noises over. I honestly don't think it's Kevin, I'll be very surprised and shocked If it is, my guess it's a DVD.

  8. Shawn avatar

    I really Hope it's about Kevin coming back. US tour dates would be cool too though. Either way I hope they come to Cleveland, Ohio.

  9. PAOLA avatar

    If you girls are right, and the announcement is Kevin coming back, it would be like W.O.W.... I mean, W.O.W.

  10. brittanyheartsnick avatar

    its not new tour dates, they already said us and canada dates were coming soon... if its kevin, ill cry. like literally cry. i will feel whole again!