1. francocarterlittrell avatar

    i think that all french fans are forgotten , it's really an very bad news

  2. larajanesmith avatar

    can't be at the show this year so this is great. booking tickets now

  3. Elle04 avatar

    First in cinema...3 days later in real life!! Can't wait!!

  4. Sophie(Sweden) avatar

    Cant wait for it! :D

  5. Bibi ~ Team Europe avatar

    weee I'm going in Denmark!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Almudena_a avatar

    must be set in Spain too!

  7. RE_MCLEAN_CARTER avatar

    This is Amazing, but I want to see in Brazil too!!
    The South America Deserve!!

  8. Sway_Shay avatar

    I wanna see it again!! I need to see this tour again, it was just that good!! LOL :)

  9. Josirw1971 avatar

    wow amazing Luckliy I will be at this concert and the one a couple of nights before at the LG Arena aaaaaaaaaaaagghhhh can't wait x

  10. MAYGIRL avatar

    How fab! Luckily I'll be at the concert that night and the night before. A NKOTBSB weekend for me!!! x