1. queenmonkey avatar

    That's so mean!! You can't tease us like that! I hope it's a new DVD, it's been too long!

  2. Clau Carter avatar


  3. almiux avatar


  4. Clarisse avatar

    Wanna know what you said!!!! Hope you'll come in Europe! Luv you Alex!

  5. Clarisse avatar

    Wanna know what you said!!!! Hope you'll come in Europe! Luv you Alex!

  6. natyweber avatar

    the best new!!! love ya!

  7. Mrs_Backstreet avatar

    He's gotta be saying the second leg European tour - surely! What else can it be thats not been confirmed yet!! Unless its South Africa :( thats the only other part of the world they're not going to! Or North Africa either! Hmmmm, thats cruel blanking that out :)

  8. KizzleKrista avatar

    Thanks!! Gonna go watch it now :)

  9. kimasabe ~ L.A. West :) avatar

    YES PLEASE Matt.. give us ever curious Fanclub Members a HINT about what AJ said that was bleeped out. We are all dying to know!

  10. Lonely_tear89 avatar

    waw I wanna know what AJ says in the edited part!!!