1. Cynthia Mariano avatar

    There is still time to wish you well with Rochelle...I m very happy for you !! Congratulations Jay...

  2. katili avatar

    Oh this was amazing news! Congratulations and I wish happiness to you both!! :)

  3. All4God116 avatar

    congrats AJ!!!!! I pray that God will continue to bless you abundantly!!

  4. KETA avatar

    I'm so happy for you both!!! Best wishes for your life together... Wanna see your baby soon!!! LOL

  5. foreverbsbfan avatar

    Congrats AJ and Rochelle! I wish you all the best!:-)

  6. shellrok avatar

    from one Rochelle to another Congrats to you and AJ! May your lives be blessed and happy

  7. barbybsb avatar

    congratulations bone=)))

  8. Mariel avatar

    congrats AJ!!! I hope this time things work out for you.....
    Love you my boys and I miss you guys soo much.. Please come to south america soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. BASTRID(nuga602) avatar

    felicidades a.j,

  10. steftravels avatar

    Congrats!! best wishes to your future together!!