1. sofdlovesbsb avatar

    this is a good way to get everyone's opinion and go from there,I hope that the price is still reasonable and it doesn't get expensive I think 320.00 was great if they added a couple more things to it that would make that price even better,I don't think the Vip Package should be more than 4 or 5 hundred dollars and if it is 5 hundred it should include tickets and front row seats as well,I am saving up for this too,it was two amazing experiences last year and I am so doing it again just I hope this time there is more time with the boys and we don't get yelled at by security or shouted about having no hugs or kisses everytime you got up there.lol

  2. eddie avatar

    yeah, just collecting data and finding out how we can do it better!

  3. NJ avatar

    Done, good idea to have a survey and ask people what they really want - THANX

  4. Clau Carter avatar

    Yeah!! I'm also saving money for the next VIP and also hope they keep the price reasonable! :) And I forgot to add that I wish we could go with a friend!!

  5. RobinDennis avatar

    I'm hoping that if there is a V.I.P package that they try to keep the price reasonable for people that can't afford a few hundred dollars for it. I'm saving already, but I have 3 kids to take care of so hopefully I'll have enough when the time comes.:)

  6. rt1983 avatar

    i have been saving for this since my last VIP and I am totally willing to spend 1000.00 if it includes everything that they asked us on the survey. I think they should absolutely guarantee front row seats for the people who have VIP. That is my opinion and I would pay an extra 1000.00 just to sit front row.

  7. Kristin_L avatar

    Thanx for asking us! Thats a great idea!

  8. brittanyheartsnick avatar

    Thanks for asking our opinion! I am already saving for the next tour, and it would be wonderful if the VIP is a reasonable price (seeing as the economy has made things hard for most of us =/ )

    I can't wait to see what the VIP package looks like for the next tour!

  9. Andreina avatar

    Done!! Thanx 4 ask our opinion!! I love the options, especially sit on the stage... But i hope a reasonable price!!! i worried about this because in Venezuela we have restrictions with the dolars!! :-(

  10. Rashmi82 avatar

    Done!!! i forgot to add...- give out gift bags at the end of vips would be really cool...like stickers!!!