1. NJ avatar

    Done, good idea to have a survey and ask people what they really want - THANX

  2. Clau Carter avatar

    Yeah!! I'm also saving money for the next VIP and also hope they keep the price reasonable! :) And I forgot to add that I wish we could go with a friend!!

  3. RobinDennis avatar

    I'm hoping that if there is a V.I.P package that they try to keep the price reasonable for people that can't afford a few hundred dollars for it. I'm saving already, but I have 3 kids to take care of so hopefully I'll have enough when the time comes.:)

  4. rt1983 avatar

    i have been saving for this since my last VIP and I am totally willing to spend 1000.00 if it includes everything that they asked us on the survey. I think they should absolutely guarantee front row seats for the people who have VIP. That is my opinion and I would pay an extra 1000.00 just to sit front row.

  5. Kristin_L avatar

    Thanx for asking us! Thats a great idea!

  6. brittanyheartsnick avatar

    Thanks for asking our opinion! I am already saving for the next tour, and it would be wonderful if the VIP is a reasonable price (seeing as the economy has made things hard for most of us =/ )

    I can't wait to see what the VIP package looks like for the next tour!

  7. Andreina avatar

    Done!! Thanx 4 ask our opinion!! I love the options, especially sit on the stage... But i hope a reasonable price!!! i worried about this because in Venezuela we have restrictions with the dolars!! :-(

  8. Rashmi82 avatar

    Done!!! i forgot to add...- give out gift bags at the end of vips would be really cool...like stickers!!!

  9. Janeth_Karen avatar

    done : )

  10. BrazilLuvsBSB avatar

    I've posted the following as a blog but, since it got sent to page 2 too quicly, i'm reposting it here.

    People, when answering the survey, let's be as accurate as possible.

    For example, there is no use in answering you would pay a million dollars for that VIP package if you can't afford it. It is also useless info to say you'd only pay 10 bucks when in reality you'd pay much more - it could actually make the package itself unfeasable in their management understanding.

    Hopefully this way we'll get even better info and events from the FC from now on.