1. bsbjroman avatar

    Congratulation!!!!! Howie and Leigh! I'm so excited for you!

  2. Aussie_Lozzy avatar

    i know its a little late but congrads howie and Leigh!!!!

  3. Lorean avatar

    A little bit late...

  4. lmb_bsb avatar

    congratulations howie!

  5. lmb_bsb avatar


  6. lmb_bsb avatar

    congratulations howie!

  7. lmb_bsb avatar


  8. Gise avatar

    Congratulations Howie!
    God bless your family and the new baby.

  9. Elleke Besselink avatar

    we want pictures :P
    can't wait....

  10. saby ROKs avatar

    congrtaulations !!!
    can't wait to see the pic...+++