1. Mariana avatar

    Wow.... tan rapido pasa el tiempo???

    James esta precioso!!

  2. Back2urHeart7 avatar

    This is a little late...but congrats on your newborn, Howie!

  3. Clara avatar

    Congratulations Howie and Leigh! I wish you a lot of happiness!

  4. panagiota avatar

    We were very very lucky to see James at Birmingham Sound Check and he's such a cutie absolutely gorgeous!! if you look at the Birmingham post i think some people have put on pics he's gorge!! xx

  5. patricia avatar

    Congratulations! I'm so happy for you two

  6. bsb fan avatar

    congratulations Howie and Leigh i bet little James is gorgeous :)


    congratulations for the baby James, from fans of peru , i love you Howie D.

  8. Gerardine29 avatar

    Congrats to the beutiful parents!! james have 3 month now and no pics ...well hope that we can see something soon =0)

  9. andrucarter avatar

    congrats! Felicidades! Kisses from Argentina

  10. andrucarter avatar

    congrats! Felicidades! Kisses from Argentina